Episode 11 – Generating Revenue by Adding Ortho and Sleep to Your Practice with Dr. Rondeau
In today’s episode, Dr. Rondeau’s going to share with us the four main benefits of adding ortho and sleep and TMD to your general practice. We invited Dr. Rondeau to speak with us today because most of our listeners at one point considered adding or have begun expanding their treatment portfolio in their general practice, and as a marketing company, we believe in marketing these very specific services and highlighting them to help a general practice stand out in their marketplace. So it’s no surprise that we believe in everything Dr. Rondeau teaches. Dr. Rondeau’s going to give us the four reasons why every single general dentist needs to add one or both of these services to their practice today. And I can assure you that if you have not considered these, you’re absolutely missing out.
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S1: 00:12 | [music] Today we're joined by a very special guest, Dr. Rondeau from Rondeau Seminars. Dr. Rondeau is a general dentist, just like most of you. And over the past 32 years, over 20,000 dentists have attended his courses and lectures, which is exactly why we have asked him to join us here today. | |
S2: 00:29 | Just in case you guys are not familiar with us, we're a dental marketing agency. We believe in thinking different from other mass marketing companies that you're probably used to, and we help you stand up against corporate dentistry. We do this by helping independent practices just like yourself build genuine relationship with patients, create and manage positive online reputations, drive quality new patients into the practice, and retain your current patients. And you're probably thinking, how the heck do you do that? We do all of this by creating custom, relatable, personalized, and distinctly different campaigns that reflect the needs and personalities of each individual practice. It's as simple as that. | |
S1: 01:13 | I also want to mention, if you haven't already, you really should get yourself a free copy of Jackie's new book, Dental Disruption: The Decade That Changed Dentistry. It's entirely free and jam-packed with valuable information that discusses why you can't afford to be marketing your practice today the same way you were a decade ago, and what you must be doing now to get real, proven results. We've gotten some really great feedback already on Jackie's second book, and it even ships for free, so there's really no reason why you shouldn't order your copy today. Simply visit dentaldisruption.com to place your free order, and you'll have it in your hands in just a few days. | |
S2: 01:50 | And in today's episode, Dr. Rondeau's going to share with us the four main benefits of adding ortho and sleep and TMD to your general practice. We invited Dr. Rondeau to speak with us today because most of our listeners at one point considered adding or have begun expanding their treatment portfolio in their general practice, and as a marketing company, we believe in marketing these very specific services and highlighting them to help a general practice stand out in their marketplace. So it's no surprise that we believe in everything Dr. Rondeau teaches. Dr. Rondeau's going to give us the four reasons why every single general dentist needs to add one or both of these services to their practice today. And I can assure you that if you have not considered these, you're absolutely missing out. | |
S1: 02:38 | So Dr. Rondeau, before we jump into the four reasons every general dentist should consider adding these services to their practice, why don't you tell us and our listeners a little bit more about yourself? | |
S3: 02:47 | Well, basically I've been doing general dentistry for, believe it or not, 52 years, and I guess I did general dentistry, fillings and root canals and dentures, for about 10 years, and then kind of attended a course in orthodontics and got kind of fired up on that, said, "This looks really good," particularly when we were helping patients, and I was doing something that they really wanted. I mean, nobody really wants a filling or a root canal, but they really want straight teeth. And the mothers were so appreciative of me doing early treatment, plus the course I took, we were learning to treat children, and most dental schools don't teach courses on how to treat children. Most orthodontic programs, graduate programs, don't teach you how to treat children. And yet, 75 percent of the children have a malocclusion. So you got 75 percent of children with a problem, and nobody trained to treat them, I thought it was a very good opportunity for me to get in there. And I've kind of built my reputation on that over the last 35 years. So for 35 years, I've been treating these children, and I've been very busy in my practice, and then I decided-- I read a book by Napolean Hill that says, "Think and grow rich." And he was a billionaire, and he said, "If you want to be rich, find out what people want and give it to them." [inaudible] "Find out what people want and give it to them." So I said, "Well, I think general dentists need to learn about early treatment for children because there's a big demand." And so that's what I've been doing for 35 years. | |
S3: 04:19 | I'm kind of happy today. I'm all excited because I've just published my first book on early orthodontic treatment for children. Just got the copy today. First copy. So I'm really excited about that. And certainly, anybody who's interested can contact-- we're on the seminars and we will-- it's 230 pages, but it's all colored pictures of cases that I've treated. All kinds of different malocclusions for children that I think anyone who's interested in this would certainly stimulate their interest to want to take some more courses in this. Because it certainly properly trains if you can do it. Now, it's interesting, I've published 12 course manuals on orthodontics, TMD, and sleep, and then I just published my first book. So I guess I had lots of preliminary books down first, but now you get the real book. So I'm really happy [laughter]. | |
S2: 05:11 | How much does the book cost, Dr. Rondeau? | |
S3: 05:14 | It's 129 or something. I really don't even know, but I think there's a special introductory price. It's around a little over $100. And it's very, very good. It's really priced at-- it's a compact. It's a six by nine. So it'll fit in your purse. It'll fit in your briefcase. I mean, it's really a neat little book. And I'm probably going to offer that on my website to any patient who is interested, and certainly, give it to my patients when they come in to read about what problems their children could have and what the solutions are. I'm very proud of it. Really happy. You can tell I'm excited. | |
S2: 05:53 | Yes. Absolutely. | |
S1: 05:53 | Congratulations. That's really awesome to hear. | |
S3: 05:56 | Thank you. | |
S2: 05:58 | Dr. Rondeau, what are the four biggest reasons a general dentist would want to expand their dental treatment portfolio? | |
S3: 06:05 | I think the thing that I like the most is that I'm running a health [orientation?] into practice now. People are coming in with problems like crooked teeth, crooked jaws, jaw problems, snoring, and sleep apnea. Real serious health problems. And I'm able to put certain appliances in their mouth, and move their jaws to different positions, and get rid of these problems. And with children, we permanently fix the problem because after we use the appliances, we use braces to stabilize the bite. So it's kind of easy. If you come to my practice healthy, you leave healthy. If you come to my practice unhealthy, you leave healthier. And I think that's really important. And of course, they pay you for it, you know? I mean, It's always nice when you do something you enjoy, and you're helping people, and they appreciate it, and they thank you, and they also pay you. So it's great. I've got a staff of nine. Actually, two are running the seminars and seven running the dental practice. And the staff do a lot of the work. I mean, that's the part that I like, too, is that it's a staff-orientated, team-orientated practice. And they're allowed to do a lot of the records and the education of the patient. And I supervise everything, see every patient. But it's a wonderful way to practice, especially when you get older. Because general dentistry is tough. | |
S3: 07:27 | Anybody listening to this call today knows that general dentistry is a tough, tough profession. And a lot of dentists burn out, and they just want to get out. Well, I'm almost 77, and I feel I'm just peaking. I don't think I want to get out because I really enjoy what I do. The staff do a lot of the work. The patients appreciate what I do. Which is different from doing general dentistry. I mean, no one really ever thanked me for a root canal or a filling. But they thank me daily for what I do here. And I love it. So I think that's a real good reason. Plus, of course, your income goes up because you're doing something which the other dentists aren't doing. And so, therefore, there's a demand for your services. So they phone and come in. I really like the fact that the mothers really appreciate what we're doing, especially with-- many orthodontists and many general dentists are not doing this because we're not trained in dental school to do it or ortho school, although it's getting better. I'm finding a lot of orthodontists in my area now are starting to use some of the appliances I've been using for 35 years. So I'm very happy about that. | |
S3: 08:32 | But I think revitalizing my interest in dentistry or revitalizing the interest in pursuing this, a general dentist, getting them excited about going to the office is really important. So I think growing your practice is important; increasing your profit and your income, for sure; improving the health of your patients is great. I mean, it just makes you feel so good; and revitalizing your interest in dentistry. You go in excited. I mean, I'm still excited to go to the office, although I still like playing golf. And I got a great staff, great patients that appreciate what I do. I mean, it's a great way to practice, and certainly, I figure I could practice forever. Why would I quit and go play golf every day or get bored? I mean, I'm very excited at what I do. | |
S3: 09:19 | This summer I even took a 100-hour course on Invisalign and got my fellowship, because the trend today is about Invisalign. All the patients are asking about is Invisalign because they're doing so much marketing. So I need to know more about this, and I need to incorporate this into my practice along with the functional appliances, along with the braces, Invisalign. And so now I can do everything. And I was doing a little bit of Invisalign before but now the Invisalign trades are better now. And you got the SmileDirectClub, 100 offices all across United States and Canada, who are offering Invisalign directly to the public and avoiding the orthodontist and the general dentist. And the public are going to these half-price sales. But there's no way they're doing as good a job as we could do, comprehensively, treating the patients. So we have to compete with them. So anyway, that's kind of what I'm doing. | |
S2: 10:16 | Yeah. I mean, you have to find ways to really stand out in the market. I mentioned that briefly just before, but from a marketing perspective, it makes the practice more desirable because there are things that maybe the practice next door or even in that immediate area and/or the corporate practices, they're not offering these things. And we have to find ways to really differentiate these practices that we're working with. We always try and push our practices to think about things like this because it's a great way to market the practice. It shows how you're different. | |
S3: 10:54 | That's right. There's a book on that, actually, written by Jack Trout, Differentiate or Die. And he goes into all different ways that corporations have to change. Like for instance, Kodak. I mean, they didn't get into digital soon enough, and they should have because film went out, and all kinds of different businesses are like that, that are important. So that's why the dentist who's trained to do fillings and root canals and dentures have to change his practice because you need to diversify, as you just mentioned, and do more services for more patients. And then you can do more things for a lesser number of patients. You don't need as many patients than you do more services. | |
S2: 11:37 | Exactly right. So, Doctor, tell us a couple of success stories of doctors that have attended your seminars. Ones that maybe were skeptical but decided to come and venture into your courses and to explore expanding these treatments in their general practice. Do you have a couple of success stories that you want to share with us? | |
S3: 11:59 | I think the most important thing to think about is the fact that orthodontists who taught us in dental school did nothing to encourage us to get into ortho. They told us we couldn't do it, we were too stupid, nobody could learn how to do this in a short period of time. You have to go to ortho school if you want to be good. And so most of the general dentists coming to my courses really have taken a chance because they were told that they couldn't do this. And actually, most of the dentists that come to my course, at least 50% are referred by someone who's taken my course, which is great. But I think the thing that I like the most is that they come in, and they tell me they go out a better dentist. They feel they have an understanding of how to treat children and recognize malocclusions - because they weren't trained in dental school - and learning to recognize jaw problems and how to treat them, and snoring and sleep apnea problems and how to treat them, and especially, treating their own children. Because some orthodontists and some general dentists have been trained to extract teeth and do surgery, but if you treat early, you can avoid all that. So they've told me that, boy, they've really loved the fact they can treat their own children in a holistic way where they didn't do an extraction and no surgery, and that was huge for them. And also, we stress airway and breathing, and that's just a whole subject in itself on how to make sure kids can breathe through their nose and not their mouth, and no tongue thrusting and all these problems and ADHD, attention deficit disorder, and all these other problems, snoring, sleep apnea, all the problems that kids have when they can't breathe properly. We get the tonsils and adenoids out and on and on and on. | |
S3: 13:38 | But two success stories, money-wise, are I had a dentist phone me, I guess, about five years ago, and he said that he took my course 10 years ago, and he just grossed 2 million just in ortho in 10 years. And he phoned to thank me very much. Now, he just phoned to say that, "You really made me a lot of money, and I really appreciate it." And I thought that was kind of neat. And then the thing I've started doing now is I'm trying to reinvent myself every day. So the other day thing I've started doing is mini-residencies in my office. So I have dentists come to my office, and I actually train them hands-on how to work on patients. And I give the patient a discount on their services. So if a mother comes in with three kids, I say, "We'll give you $1,000 off the treatment, but my dentists who are trained to treat you will be doing the treatment." And the mother says, "Great. Thank you very much," and we're there to supervise. And I'm setting these up all over the states and Canada now. I've got seven of them going now because the first one was so successful. But the guy that recommended I do this-- I think within the-- as soon as he took my course, the in-office course, he started with almost 200 patients in 2 years. | |
S2: 14:46 | Oh, wow. | |
S1: 14:46 | Wow. | |
S3: 14:47 | So he started 200 patients in 2 years. I mean, unbelievable. And now, he's running a mini-residency in his office. | |
S2: 14:53 | Oh, no kidding. | |
S3: 14:53 | So it's just compounding. It's just fantastic. I mean, it's great to see these guys loving what they're doing, making a profit with what they're doing, and having a patient appreciate what they're doing. I mean, that's the biggest thing. You have to feel appreciated. I'm sure you two feel appreciated when you're helping dentists, and you help them with some ideas and how to market and improve their practice and communication. I mean, it makes you feel good when they phone you and thank you for your efforts because everybody wants to be appreciated. And if you do ortho, TMD, and sleep, you will be appreciated. | |
S2: 15:27 | So you had mentioned that specific dentist had done over 200 cases. Can you provide our listeners with just some realistic numbers of what that could look like profit-wise for their practice? | |
S1: 15:42 | Or even revenue? | |
S3: 15:44 | So it's about $5,000 a case. That's close to a million dollars. | |
S2: 15:50 | Wow. | |
S3: 15:52 | No. No, it's significant but-- and also, remember the staff can help you with a lot of the work. Staff can do a lot of the records and the marketing and the education. But it's a total deal. When you want to be-- if you want to be good at this-- I mean, I've had dentists bring six staff to the first course. We teach the staff too. You should call them a team. A team. Bring the team to the course and train the team, and then the team educates the patients. Because we found that the patients actually listen to the team members more than they listen to us, much the same in a hospital. If my doctor is talking to me in the hospital, and I'm looking right at the nurse. If she's looking good and happy, I'm going with what he says. If she's got her hand up in the air and shaking her head, I'm not going anywhere near that diagnosis. I mean, they know. And so I go by the nurse in hospital and my patients go by me a little bit, but mostly by my staff because they know. You have to spend time and effort educating your team. And I do that. I'm educating them all the time. I give them actually Scott Manning's books to read. And I tell them we're going to have a staff meeting on this book. And then I get them all a bottle of wine because they read the book and then we talk about the book. So I'm always stimulating them. I'm always testing them and you have to do that. And they like it. | |
S2: 17:20 | It's like a little book club that you've got going on there. | |
S1: 17:23 | Yeah. With a little wine. | |
S3: 17:24 | That's right [laughter]. | |
S2: 17:26 | That's what book clubs are all about, Sean. | |
S3: 17:28 | They think it's a wine club. I think it's a book club [laughter]. | |
S1: 17:32 | Jokes on them, right [laughter]? | |
S2: 17:35 | So just to kind of recap some of the benefits of expanding treatment in a general practice, I mean you're looking at growing your practice and increase profitability and income, right? I mean, improve the health of your patients, revitalize your interest in dentistry, and then kind of the easy one, the bonus in my eyes, is earning CE credits, right? Would you agree with those? | |
S3: 17:55 | Absolutely. Absolutely. They need CE credits to get their license and this is a nice way to do it because they're taking a course they're really going to enjoy and they're really going to be able to help their patient and immediately implement it, right? Because my courses are hands on. I mean, they trace X-rays, they bend wires, they examine patients' temporomandibular joints. It's all a hands-on course. There's 12 lab exercises and there's 4 tests they have to write at the end. And then they get AGD accreditation and they get their dental board accreditation. So all of my courses are accredited by AGD and all of the dental boards. I mean, there's no problem because my manuals are almost 300 pages each. And so they're very comprehensive and they have to pass tests. And they have to bend wires. And they have to do all these things. They have to do records on 5 pages and show me the records. And then we have advanced courses after the beginner courses. We have level one and level two. | |
S3: 18:57 | Also, all my courses are online now. I've got a level one ortho, level two ortho, TMD, and sleep all online. So we have a lot of dentists taking the online courses and then the online courses, they have to pass a test every 20 minutes. They get 80% on the test, they can go to the next one, if not, they're penalized and have to watch me again. So they'd rather watch me once and pass the test and move on. So there's no foolishness here. We make sure you learn. And the dentists who graduate from my courses are doing good work. And there's other courses they could take afterward, right? I want them to be good. I was going to say, we have a big day in Vegas coming up for anybody. Just go on rondeauseminary.com and look up "early treatment case finishing seminar in Vegas that's coming up in October." And I've got two outstanding orthodontists speaking, and I've got Scott Manning, and several general dentists who are really good as well as Mike Gelb talking about airways. It's cool and I don't want to spend too much time talking about that, but just go online and-- | |
S2: 20:02 | So you don't often find, Dr. Rondeau, where someone goes to a course or a seminar and they can take action right away. I mean, it's often that they probably are used to taking course after course and really not coming out of those courses being able to truly take action on what they just learned. I mean, that's not very common in our industry, right? | |
S3: 20:25 | That's true. But by the end of my course, which just goes over eight months, they come every two months, many dentists have five or six cases going already. They feel so comfortable and the records that I teach are very comprehensive. I think my chart is 12 pages long per ortho. I mean, it's tremendous. And I've had them checked by orthodontic friends of mine and I've had them checked by dental boards and they think that my records are extremely comprehensive. And again, if you take good records, you can make the right diagnosis and you do the right treatment plan. So I'm very proud of that. Now, a couple of things that are interesting regarding sleep dentistry, it's something which dentists are not taught in dental school, right? | |
S2: 21:09 | Right. | |
S3: 21:08 | No dentist takes a course and learns how to make snoring appliances and treat sleep apnea. Yet the American Dental Association passed a resolution in October of 2017, two years ago, that all dentists must screen for sleep apnea, life-threatening sleep apnea. And yet it's not taught in the dental schools. So now they're trying to figure out how to incorporate it. They passed a resolution and yet the dentists aren't trained to do it, it's kind of silly. But anyway, at least they passed a resolution, noticed it. We really should be helping because a lot of patients with sleep apnea will go on that CPAP, the continuous positive airway pressure device that blows air up the nose all night with an air compressor. | |
S2: 21:56 | You look like Darth Vader. | |
S3: 21:56 | It's got a 70% failure rate. Darth Vader look, that's right. And they're a high failure rate, 70% failure rate. Whereas oral appliances probably have a 90% success rate, and patient compliance. So really dentists really need to get into this. And for sure, there's more and more courses every year on this and it's something which I would encourage all dentists to think about doing because, again, you're saving marriages by preventing snoring and you're prolonging the patient's life. Because of the patient's severe sleep apnea, the statistics say they live 10 years less. And with sleep apnea they get high blood pressure, they get strokes, they get heart attacks, they get type two diabetes, Alzheimers, dementia which nobody wants, more chance of cancer. I mean, it just goes on and on and on. I think, almost every debilitating disease is going to be-- is going to be attributed to lack of oxygen at night caused by sleep apnea. 25% of the population has it. It's a serious problem. It's 50% of men over 50 snore, and your ladies after menopause have to worry too. A high percentage of ladies in my practice after menopause snore so-- | |
S2: 23:15 | Don't tell me that [laughter]. | |
S3: 23:15 | Yeah, see. You've got a long way to go. But see, it's a real serious problem and the medical profession, their solution is not as good as ours. Our solution is an oral appliance to gently move the jaw forward and open up the airway. And their solution is to blow air pressure all night with a compressor. And the patients much prefer our approach, but again, dentists have to take courses. I feel after a two-day course, and reading my manual, you'd be able to do it. So your job is, not just take my course, but take other courses in sleep apnea because that's something you really should think about doing. | |
S2: 23:56 | Yeah, we couldn't agree more. A lot of our clients are either already doing this or taking your course, or other people's courses, so that we see this trend and we think it's extremely smart. When Sean and I run our marketing campaigns, when we talk about the benefits of having an oral appliance versus, you're talking about the CPAP, as another solution, doesn't mean that it's the only solution, but another solution. We just see a tremendous response. This is such a pain point for a lot of families. The spouses snoring, their interrupted sleep, they have interrupted sleep, they're tired all day. There's a lot of pain points that you can hit upon in your marketing to really attract these people to your practice. So we agree, we think this is smart. | |
S3: 24:45 | Good. Well, I think it's-- and dentists should be doing this. It's a lot more fun, too, than doing general dentistry and doing fillings all day, and giving needles. It's just as easy, you take a couple of impressions, it's do some sleep studies, we teach you how to screen studies. The staff can do a lot of the work and the patient really-- they're easy to wear. And again, the patient really appreciates it. I met a guy in the airport one time and I said, "How you doing?" He said, "I don't recognize you." His wife turned to him and said, "He's the guy that saved our marriage, stupid [laughter]." I made him an oral appliance and she said it saved the marriage. So anyway, I mean, it's fun things like that happen all the time. So I'm really happy that I got into it and I try to influence as many dentists as I can to take courses in this and really learn how to help their patients. And just again help orientate them. I mean, if we can help prevent heart attacks and strokes and diabetes and we can help save marriages and we can get paid for it while doing it and feel good about it and get thanked for it, I mean, it's just the way to go. Every day you get compliments instead of people saying, "The needle hurts," or "My filling hurts." It's just we got into dentistry and I liked it for 10 years, but after that, I said, "I got to do something different. I just want to do something different." And I really like what I'm doing now and I think most the general dentists that get into this really like it and they don't want to go back. | |
S3: 26:12 | And so I encourage them to look at these areas to increase their income. And you sort of have to be proactive or reactive. Reactive you got to sit here and watch what's going on in the profession. And what is going on is there's 52 corporations in the US now competing against solo practices. And they've got all these new grads with all these big loans coming out that have to work for them because they can't set up their own practice. So they got a ready supply of dentists to do it and they've got all kinds of money back behind them. The teacher's association, everybody backing them up. And so they're out there just trying to compete. And so we have to look at things. We've got to be proactive and we've got to sit down and say, "How are we going to compete with these guys before our income goes so low we can't afford to take a course?" So I think you teach that and Scott Manning teaches that and I'm trying to teach the same thing. Let's get proactive, let's increase our skills so we can compete with these guys. I know that a lot of-- some of the corporations are hiring dentists now to teach sleep and teach ortho and teach TMD. Not so much TMD, everybody's afraid of that one. And it's not that much a mystery if you really get into it. | |
S3: 27:36 | One thing I should add, that is that I'd just written an article in Scott Manning's Dental Success Today which I'd be happy to send to anybody, it's on bruxism. And it's why night guards are harmful to you, okay. Because first of all, night guards don't prevent bruxism. Anybody that puts in an upper night guard knows that the patient bites into it and sometimes bites through it. So if they're biting through it and destroying it, how can you say it's preventing bruxism? It doesn't prevent bruxism, it actually makes it worse. It does protect the teeth from wearing down. It also doesn't prevent headaches. When you bite on this thing all night you get more headaches. They wake up with headaches in the morning. It also is very dangerous. I've got a stack of patients, probably 50 - I've just been collecting the last two months - that their jaw was clicking and the dentist made them a night guard and now their jaw locked, they can't open their mouth and they're in intense pain. It's all because of the night guard and we went into it. And the other thing that's really interesting is that these night guards also cause snoring and sleep apnea to be worse. So if you've got sleep apnea and you're a moderate sleep apnea you could wear the night guard and you could be a severe sleep apnea and really compromise your health. So much so that the American Academy of Prosthodontics has come out with a declaration that none of the prosthodontists are allowed to make a night guard unless the patient first has a sleep study to see if they've got sleep apnea. | |
S3: 29:07 | So it's really, really-- a real serious problem. And there's a lot of stuff going. So I'd be happy to send that article to anybody; I sent it to all the dentists in my area. I said, "Look, you don't send me the patient, but don't put night guards in patients." And that's all they're taught. I've been all over the world, lecturing-- not all over the world, but in many places in the world. And everywhere I go, and all over the United States, the only splint that dentists learn to make in dental school is an upper night guard. And it's damaging for all the reasons that I gave you. So I'd be happy to send that article out and tell the dentists to please avoid-- what the problem is what we're taught about TMJ in dental school is all wrong, which you have to grind down the teeth when that's not even the problem. And we're taught to put in night guards in everybody with no sense of what it's going to do, in fact, it's damaging in most cases. And so it's a-- anyway, that's all I have to say about night guards [laughter]. | |
S1: 30:08 | That's really interesting. | |
S2: 30:10 | It is interesting. And I think that you would assume that dental schools would update their criteria of the curricular of not teaching these things. But it doesn't sound like they are. | |
S3: 30:24 | No. So what I did, I mean I've always been lucky. I've always had women in my practice who felt strongly enough to tell me when they were unhappy. And I had several women throw the night guards back at me and say, "You are a crook. You charged me this money and it made me worse." So what I did is I went out and found out who the top dentists in the world were in TMJ and I phoned them up and said, "I want to come to your office. I don't care what you charge me. 500, 1,000 a day, I want to see what you do in your office every day. And so I went to these offices and I learned. And now the dentists come to my office and pay me a 1,000 a day for what I know. | |
S2: 31:06 | Full circle. | |
S3: 31:06 | That's what I do. I went out and did it. Yeah. I just went out and said, "Just tell me what you're doing because I mean what we learned in dental school is not working. And I'm not going to keep doing this if it doesn't work." And I spent some time with some of the top guys in the world and I learned a lot and went back and applied it to my practice and studied. And I got a diplomat in TMJ and that really helped me because I had to study a lot for that. And anyway, I pursued my education. I think if I wanted to teach, I have to have some credentials. And so I've got some credentials and sleep and TMD and ortho, and I think that helped. And it made me study and it made me learn, so. But I love to teach. I mean, I love to teach and the dentists that take my course are really good. I mean, they pay attention. They don't sit and read the newspaper and they don't go in themselves all day and sit there and they pay attention because they're paying me, right? Because they're paying me and they want to learn. So it's very good to teach graduate dentists. More fun than, say, dental school probably. Because the dental school, a lot of the dentists don't pay attention. But when they're paying you, they pay attention. And they want to learn. But again, 50% are recommended so that really helps too. | |
S1: 32:21 | That's awesome. | |
S3: 32:21 | I'm sure people recommend you too. Yeah. | |
S1: 32:24 | Oh, of course. Of course. Well, Dr. Rondeau, we want to thank you so much for joining us today on our podcast and for sharing all this really, really valuable information with not only us but obviously all of our listeners as well. I know they're just going to really, really enjoy this episode in particular. If any of our listeners are interested in any of Dr. Rondeau's courses or adding some of these high-value revenue streams to their practice, please don't hesitate to visit rondeauseminars.com that's R-O-N-D-E-A-U Seminars dot com. Or you can actually call him as well at 1-866-507-3520. Dr. Rondeau, thank you so much once again. We really, really appreciate you joining us today. | |
S3: 33:06 | It was a pleasure. Thank you very much. You did a great job, you two. | |
S2: 33:09 | Thank you. | |
S1: 33:10 | Thank you. | |
S3: 33:12 | Okay. Thanks. Okay. Bye-bye. [music] | |
S1: 33:15 | We hope all of you enjoyed today's podcast. Don't forget to get your free copy of Jackie's new book before this special promotion is over. We're offering the book entirely free even with free shipping to all of our podcast listeners. And you can order your free copy today by visiting dentaldistruption.com. If you feel so compelled, we'd really appreciate you subscribing and leaving a review for our podcast to help us share our educational content with even more dentists just like you. You can subscribe on iTunes or your favorite podcast platform to make sure you receive all of our future episodes. I also encourage you to visit our website at mydentalagency.com or email us at podcast@mydentalagency.com if you have any questions or comments. Thank you so much for listening. | |
S2: 33:58 | Thanks, guys. |