Dental Marketing Books

from: My Dental Agency
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Elite Dentistry: A Guide to Attracting Premium Patients


When you request ELITE DENTISTRY: A Guide to Attracting Premium Patients, you’re not just getting a book—you’ll receive the tools (including 3 exclusive bonuses) that you’ll need to transform your patient base and attract premium patients who value exceptional care.

Here’s a taste of what’s revealed inside the covers of this powerful book:

  • How to build a patient base that not only appreciates but invests in superior dental care — you’re looking for Premium Patients, and they consistently prioritize quality over discounts.
  • Looking to optimize your patient experience? We reveal proven methods to keep patients loyal, and to model them into lifelong advocates, referring friends, family, and anyone who will listen.
  • Setting your practice apart from corporate dentistry through digital marketing is more than just zhuzhing up your social media. Showcasing your commitment to excellence may just attract the patients you’ve been looking for.
  • Are you overlooking your existing patients and word-of-mouth? Stop the revolving door of patients in its tracks. Learn how to maximize each patient that walks into your office.
  • What marketing techniques are successful enough that they can power past the show metrics. Long-term growth requires building credibility, trust, and most importantly, patience to play the long-game.
  • Do you know your values? What about your long-term goals? Are you ready to develop a patient-centered approach that says goodbye to the insurance-driven patients of yesterday?

Best Selling Dental Marketing Book

Dental Disruption


Amazon #1 Best Seller

You Simply Can-NOT Afford to Market Your Practice the Same Way You Did 10, 5, even 2 Years Ago… Discover What You Must Instead Do NOW in our Sophomore Book:

Dental Disruption, reveals how savvy doctors just like you are incorporating new digital marketing strategies to attract the type of patients they want and build their ideal practices faster.

Here’s what you’ll discover inside this sure-to-be eye-opening new book:

  • Why your patients can’t tell the difference between Corporate “Doc in a Box” dental care and the high quality, personalized treatment options you provide – and the simple step you must take NOW to level the playing field between you and Corporate Dentistry’s massive marketing budgets.
  • The key pillars of trust that you must have in place today… a diploma on the wall and a few good reviews isn’t anywhere close to good enough given today’s competitive playing field.
  • How the smartphone has turned traditional dental marketing upside down; and if you rely on what worked even ten years ago, you’re getting left in the dust!
  • The crazy paradox of why being “professional” hammers your brand – and why suits, ties, and “all business” Marketing TANKS compared to the simple act of just being you.
  • Do you wonder whatever happened to “word of mouth?!” (Hint: It still works, you just need give it the right gas using the right media.)
  • How to integrate personality into your marketing in a way that’s both seriously fun, yet still true to your practice’s mission.
  • “TMI – Too Much Information” – why instant access to information about Dentistry devastates traditional practice marketing, and the simple steps you must take to overcome it.
  • The number #1 objective of ALL your marketing efforts… it’s the simple, disruptive shift you must make to stay competitive today.

The Dental Practice Breakthrough


This Book Reveals How to Win Over More and Better Patients by Conquering The 5 Devastating Marketing Mistakes That Are Costing YOU Big.

Here’s a taste of what’s revealed inside the covers of this powerful book:

  • What you risk when by using “canned” cookie-cutter or template-driven promotions that every other Dentist is using… even high quality “off-the-shelf” content can sabotage your practice, destroying your credibility and causing even long time patients to turn you off.
  • How leveraging the power of PERSONALITY will enable you to quickly build TRUST with prospects and patients – it’s simple, effective, and because they now want YOU and only you, it doesn’t require gimmicks like cut-rate deals or flashy guarantees.
  • The most common mistakes Dentists make when using Facebook, Twitter, and other online tools and exactly what you need to do instead to create a powerful connection with each and every patient.
  • The KEY to the effective use of Email marketing for your Practice… the opportunities go way beyond simple appointment reminders and ticklers for six-month checkups.
  • Why it’s so important to establish a comprehensive, integrated Digital Marketing strategy for your practice… in today’s world of smart phones, tablets, and “always on” internet access, you can’t afford to simply muddle along using outdated technology.
  • Revealed: How to put the power of the 3 R’s (Reputation, Relationships, and Retention) to work 24/7/365 for your practice – they’ll already affecting your business: are you managing them according to a clearly defined purpose, or are you simply leaving them to chance?
  • And a LOT MORE as well!