In a perfect world, a marketing agency isn’t just another vendor that your practice hires to perform a service. A marketing agency is a partner that understands the unique characteristics of your practice and knows how to leverage them to create effective strategies that produce measurable results. But why only in a perfect world? Why not in the real world? Any marketing agency you choose should be able to work with your practice in complete synergy. Unfortunately, that is not always how it goes, as MDA CAB member and highly respected owner practitioner Dr. Lee Brown explains in this informative video that you won’t want to skip.

Finding the Right Marketing Company

A good marketing company will help your practice attract quality patients and prospects more consistently than you can on your own, giving you the opportunity to shine each time one comes through the doors. If you understand the marketing company’s role and you’re prepared to take over where your marketing partner leaves off, you’ll have a recipe for success.

Important Video: What Makes a Good Marketing Company

When we speak to new clients we often find that their website, Facebook, blogs, and other online platforms all look different making it difficult for patients to see they belong to the same practice. There is no branding-the use of fonts, colors and imagery from one place to the next is different, and there is nothing consistent about the messaging. You have to wonder, how would this make a new patient feel about your practice?

How To Create A Memorable Facebook Cover Image