While I am well aware of the seriousness of the current situation, I felt it necessary to share positive things I have encountered during this challenging time, in hopes that you may get inspired. It’s time to turn off the news, take a break from the headlines and tune into what’s going on behind the…
You’ve probably noticed on your practice’s Facebook page that you have the ability to boost your post, meaning that you pay a small amount of money to get a single post seen by a wider audience. You may even get messages from Facebook telling you how many more people will see your post if you…
To Boost or Not to Boost: What you should know about Facebook’s boost button
Chances are if you have been utilizing online patient reviews as part of your marketing strategy, you might get a not so flattering one every now and then. Everyone does. The question however, is how will this affect your practice and what can you do about them.
Less is More: The guide on decluttering your digital marketing
Practices are facing unprecedented times and the most savvy practices are taking this opportunity to shift their marketing focus and find ways to stay relevant and active. We are shifting our campaigns to focus on virtual consults in order to help our clients continue to see new and existing patients while their practice is either…
A Shift to Virtual Consultations for Your Dental Practice
We recognize that most practices are taking the ADA recommendation and closing their doors to non-elective treatments. For those teams who remain in the practice, this is a good time to give them a refresher on how to handle new patient calls and deliver good customer service. Even if the team is not in the…