We may be repeating ourselves, but sleep dentistry should be on your radar. Sleep apnea is pervasive, and potential patients are seeking solutions. How do we know? Because our clients that offer sleep dentistry have met with great success. In fact, one particular client recently gained 237 leads from a single Facebook ad! What’s the…
If you’re looking for new ways to engage your patients, then luck is on your side. St. Patrick’s Day provides the perfect opportunity to stay in front of your patients, show them that you’ve got a touch of the Blarney in you, and keep all eyes — Irish or otherwise — smiling. Here are a…
Find a Hidden Pot o’ Gold This St. Patrick’s Day
We’re all familiar with the concept of New Year’s resolutions. The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to refocus and set goals that will help us be the best version of ourselves. New Year’s Day also creates the perfect opportunity to set goals for your dental practice. Be SMART! Non-specific goals are…
New Year’s Resolutions for Your Practice
You see them on your daily commute, hear them on the radio, and see them on TV: political ads. No matter which side of the aisle we sit on, most of us can’t wait for November 6 to come and go so we can move past the partisanship and return to good old fashioned billboards,…
What Politics Teaches Us About Marketing
Just as you delight in the success stories of your patients, we revel in the successes of our clients. One of our favorite clients not only achieved the goals they established to meet, they exceeded them, making this practice’s success story one worth sharing. The Background This well-established mid-western practice had three dentists and an…
A Client Success Story
You already know that posting regularly on Facebook is the best way to engage your patients, but when you’re up to your elbows in fillings, implants, and veneers, it’s hard to come up with new ideas. Lucky for you, this is our forte. When you’re struggling to come up with post-worthy material, here are just…
Fresh Ideas for Facebook Posts
When you look in your closet and realize that you haven’t worn that relic from the 80s since, well … the 80s, you toss it into the “donate” pile. Spring is the perfect time to clean both your home and your practice. Not only can you reduce the clutter in your inbox, on the desktop…
Spring Cleaning Your Marketing Mess
Remember the days when MySpace was the social media platform to use? Well, these days, MySpace is obsolete, but we have more platforms to use than ever before: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Reddit, Snapchat…the list goes on. But while it might be great entertainment to watch William Shatner live tweet or to use a…
Why Facebook is STILL the Best Option for Marketing
Picture this: you’re looking for a plumber to install a water-saving sink in your practice’s restroom. You visit eight different websites when you notice something – six of them have pictured the same smiling guy holding the same red-handled wrench. These sites have all used cost-effective but personality-free stock images. You are the best thing…
The Best Photography for Marketing Your Practice
In case you haven’t seen the commercials, Facebook LIVE is the next big thing. If you don’t watch television, or read the newspaper, or interact with humanity, you may need some background information before learning how to go LIVE for your practice. Facebook LIVE allows you to provide followers with a live feed; once you…