When marketing your practice, there is a place for professional photography. Your website, for example, should include professional headshots of your team members and interior shots of your office, all…
If you have ever searched for something on Google – and who hasn’t – then you are familiar with the AD symbol on the first two or three results. As…
Picture this: you’re looking for a plumber to install a water-saving sink in your practice’s restroom. You visit eight different websites when you notice something – six of them have…
In case you haven’t seen the commercials, Facebook LIVE is the next big thing. If you don’t watch television, or read the newspaper, or interact with humanity, you may need…
This article originally appeared in the March/2017 issue of the Academy of General Dentistry’s AGD Impact magazine. Using social networking to market your practice is no big secret. You’ve probably…
Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to show the people in our lives – even patients – how much we love and appreciate them. No need to rush to the…
Just when you think Mark Zuckerburg is going to run out of ideas – BAM! – he blows up the internet with Facebook Live. If you haven’t seen notifications in…
This article originally appeared in the January/2017 issue of the Academy of General Dentistry’s AGD Impact magazine. Social media has revolutionized the marketing industry, but as great a tool it…
This article originally appeared in the August/2016 issue of the Academy of General Dentistry’s AGD Impact magazine. “I’m a dentist. Why do I need a website or Facebook page? And…
Avoid Online Obsoletion with Facebook Ads Technology is a fickle beast. One moment, a platform is all the rage, the next, it is completely obsolete. As a result, there are…