As 2024 comes to a close, we’re reflecting on a year filled with meaningful milestones for our clients and our team. From clients achieving incredible success in their practices to exciting growth and accomplishments here at My Dental Agency, the year has reminded us why we love what we do.
As 2025 approaches, it’s a good time to take a step back and think about how your dental practice can stay ahead of the curve. Patients’ needs and expectations keep changing, and practices that adapt to meet them will come out on top. So, what should you focus on to ensure you’re not just keeping up, but connecting with your patients and standing out? Here are seven simple strategies that can help you create an experience that keeps patients coming back.
7 Strategies to Grow Your Dental Practice in 2025
The new year is approaching very quickly, and if you’re anything like me, you’ll want to be as prepared as possible for whatever it may bring. A great way to get a jump on 2023 is to take stock and make sure your digital media and marketing information is organized and easily accessible.
Getting a head start on 2023
Every year at about this time, I write about the things I am grateful for as a business owner and marketing professional. This year, however, I thought I would change things up a bit and ask my team to share their thoughts about working for MDA. Here, in their unedited words, is what they had to say.
Thanksgiving Thoughts
Don’t make these ghastly mistakes. Heed my warning before it’s too late! Muahahahaha… Just kidding. Every dental practice has had a marketing setback or two. The good news is mistakes like the ones I just described don’t have to turn into a horrible nightmare.
Do You Want to Read Something Really Scary?
New year, new you, as the saying goes. Everyone is making their New Year’s resolutions, vowing to eat better, exercise more, volunteer at shelter, and begin composting in the backyard. And while those are all great things on a personal level, they won’t do much to help your dental practice. So, let’s think about making some New Year’s Marketing Resolutions to start the year off with a bang and hopefully avoid some costly mistakes.
Start the New Year Right and Avoid a Marketing Disaster
This time of year many practices are embracing the holidays with decorations in the office, holiday music in the waiting area, and gift exchanges among the staff. But this year, you could be the best Santa ever. You could give your entire practice a gift – one that lasts well beyond the holiday season and extends into the new year!
The Gift that Gives Year Round
There’s no doubt about it—MDA has the most amazing clients (who also happen to recognize the power of marketing even when the market gets tough) and of course, an incredible team. So, I wanted to dedicate some time to thanking everyone who makes MDA possible and everyone who has helped us grow this year.
A Thanksgiving Message
Using the same marketing strategies year after year is a grave mistake, but many dental practices have yet to embrace the bone-efits of digital marketing. Digital marketing doesn’t have to be frightening. In fact, it can be a real treat for your bottom line. In this special Halloween edition of our blog, we want to demystify digital marketing to show you why most practices are dying to get on board.
Digital Marketing is a Spook-tacular Way to Get New Patients
Steve Jobs said, “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”