Being in-network with various dental insurance providers consumes the major portion of a dental practice’s marketing budget. If your practice relies heavily on insurance networks to attract new patients, you are essentially paying for marketing by accepting lower fees for services. Many dentists see this as a fair trade-off. Others, however, wish there was a better way, and that is when they begin to consider transitioning away from dental insurance to a fee-for-service model.

Fee for Service Is Not a Bad Thing

Every dentist and dental practice defines success differently. For many dental practices, success can mean more brand/practice awareness within the community, fewer patients but higher revenue, or an influx of new patients — or some combination of these things. That’s the beauty of success — it can’t be defined in a singular way, and anyone can have it on their own terms as long as they have a clear goal in mind and a plan to achieve it.

How Do Dentists Define Success?

Part of marketing your practice is telling your story to the people you are trying to reach so they feel like they know you before they ever come through the doors. One of the best and most powerful ways to do that is through video, and these days, there is a wide variety of video styles to choose from. It is easier than ever for a dental practice to take advantage of the video + social media combination to boost the effectiveness of its marketing.

The Power of Telling Your Story Through Video

As a dental practice owner, you are an expert in all things dentistry. But when it comes to the marketing side of things, are there some concepts that perhaps you’re not completely familiar with? There is a lot of terminology in marketing, and sorting it all out can be a little confusing, especially because some terms can have slightly different meanings depending on the context. Let’s break down the most common marketing terms to make them a little less intimidating.

Marketing Terms Explained