When you think of marketing your practice, you probably think about using your website, social media posts, emails, and online ads to attract new patients. In any solid marketing strategy, however, you shouldn’t overlook your existing patients-they are key to the success of your practice. In fact, once you acquire a patient, think of it as just the beginning of your marketing relationship with them, as well. Here are reasons why you should:

Don’t Stop….Marketing

The countdown to the New Year has begun, and we can’t wait to help market our clients in 2020 so they can reach even more new patients and grow their practice. This is also a time to reflect on what we can do different, or improve upon so that marketing processes and plans run more effectively. One common occurrence we notice is that dental practices start to plan in late November to do something special for the holidays. Most likely, they are not aware that as a marketing agency we work months in advance on projects and they should too. Here’s how your practice can plan properly for effective marketing next year.

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”- Benjamin Franklin

Asking patients for a review puts you in a vulnerable position. You hope they will leave positive feedback, but what if they don’t and their not so flattering review is online for everyone to read. In the past, this hesitancy to ask any and all customers to leave a review led businesses to filter candidates, a process known as “review-gating”. It was a common practice and in fact, we did this for our clients years ago, too. Not long ago, however, Google and other credible review sites put a stop to it and for good reason. Like Google, we noticed it wasn’t helping our clients, but actually hurting them in the long run.

To Gate Or Not To Gate

When you write a book that becomes a #1 best seller on Amazon, your first reaction might be to pop the champagne corks and start celebrating. That’s not quite what’s happening here at the My Dental Agency offices. While our book, Dental Disruption: The Decade That Changed Dentistry, is now a #1 best seller on Amazon, we are feeling grateful and humbled more than anything.

Dental Disruption: The Decade That Changed Dentistry

Video is one of the most effective ways to quickly engage with patients and tell them about you and your practice. It personalizes the information on your website and social media pages, giving people a sneak-peak into you as a person. Whether you’ve used video as part of your marketing before or would like to start, there are 2 great ways to use it on your website and in your marketing.

2 Great Ways To Use Video On Your Website and In Your Marketing

Instagram is the next big thing! Does social media advertising even work? Twitter. Get on Twitter ASAP! Emails, does anyone read them?

Does marketing confuse you? We don’t blame you if it does. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with a deluge of conflicting information about what works and doesn’t work when it comes to marketing your practice. While everyone is looking for a silver bullet, focus on these 4 tried and true dental marketing strategies that actually work.

4 Dental Marketing Strategies That Actually Work

Google My Business has added some exciting new updates that will enhance your business listing and help your practice stand out online. The features give you more control over your listing and allow you to be more strategic with marketing your practice. With Google putting more emphasis on them, it also means that it’s more important than ever to keep your listing current and complete.

New Features for Google Listings