We’re here to discuss the four most common questions new patients ask when they first call a practice and the way you should be handling these calls to dramatically increase booked appointments. It’s not always necessarily the quality of the call, but the way that they interact with the new patients, the questions they ask, and how you respond.
Watch our ‘Effective Digital Marketing Strategies’ video and learn how to build a positive online reputation and increase patient relationships. Learn more at www.mydentalagency.com
Effective Dental Digital Marketing Strategies
Keep the love flowing after Valentine’s Day and for the rest of the year by showing patients that your practice cares.
Patients LOVE When We Listen
It’s good to listen to your gut feelings because it means you’re paying attention and getting impressions based on what you’ve observed. However, it’s not advisable to make marketing decisions based solely on those feelings because the data may paint a different picture. In this video, Jackie Cullen, co-founder of My Dental Agency, explains what your gut is telling you and what you can do to make more informed marketing decisions. Want more? Go to Part 2!
What’s Your Gut Telling You? Now, Let’s Look at the Data.
Dr. David R. Pearce kindly shares his advice as an experienced dental practice owner and current success coach. Whether you’re new to the game or have been at it for a while, it is important to remember the fundamentals of marketing. 1. It takes time 2. Be consistent 3. Target your message. Of course, there’s more to it than that. Watch the entire video for all the important details. Who knows… you might learn something new or be reminded of something you used to know.
Marketing Advice Everyone Can Use
It has been nearly two decades since I started my career in dental marketing, and I have spent every year growing, learning, and succeeding. There are certainly other marketing companies out there who have started to court dentists, but few of them have the years of experience I do, and even fewer have spent the amount of time and effort myself and my team have specializing in digital marketing for dental practices. This is an important distinguishing factor for my company and my clients.
Experience Matters
Dr. Kazemifar is a dentist in the DC area who has been using PatientCaptureNow at her practice since 2020 to increase new patient appointments. However, she has been missing out on countless opportunities because of one critical oversight. To find out more, watch this video, and heed her advice if you want to consistently schedule more new patients at your practice. To learn how PatientCaptureNow can help you grow your practice, contact My Dental Agency today!
Learn from this doctor’s experience: schedule more quality new patients & never miss an opportunity
What would be the benefits of having PatientCaptureNow at your practice? Find out from a dentist who uses it! Dr. Lee Brown, a respected dentist in the Cleveland, OH area, kindly talked to us about how using PatientCaptureNow has helped his practice. For him, it’s not just that it facilitates communications with prospective patients, but it also attracts higher quality patients or patients who are better prepared and more receptive, as he says. Do you want that for your practice? Call us today!
PatientCaptureNow Helped This Dentist. It Can Help You Too!
When it comes to dental practice marketing, custom social media content is not just beneficial; it’s essential for reaching your audience where they are most active. If you are facing challenges getting your team engaged in content creation, take inspiration from the successful approach Karinna, one of our CAB members, took.
A Lesson from Karinna’s Team Engagement Strategy
Recently, a story made headlines about a dental patient who received an extreme amount of work done in a single visit and is now suing the dentist who performed the work for pain and suffering. Local and national news outlets picked up the story, featuring it in broadcasts, online, and on social media. Regardless of how people in the dental community view the story, the potential for it, or another story like it, to scare people who already distrust dentists is very real.