With more than a decade of experience in corporate dental laboratory marketing and brand development, Jackie Ulasewich Cullen decided to take her passion for the dental business and marketing to the next level by founding My Dental Agency with co-founder Shawn Berg. Since starting her company, she and her team have helped a wide variety of practices all over the nation focus their message, reach their target audience, and increase their sales through effective marketing campaigns.

Did you know that the nation’s total population grew by over 1.15 million people in the past 18 months? The two states that grew the fastest during this time were Texas and Florida, but many other states have seen increases: Nevada, Arizona, Utah, North and South Carolina. But people are not only moving to the sunny states; Washington and Colorado have also seen explosive growth in recent years.

Is your practice in a growing area?

Most people understand that creating a good first impression is important when it comes to success. The same can be said about a dental practice. With so many dental offices now taking advantage of digital marketing, a practice needs to go a little further to win patients’ hearts and minds. To create an excellent first impression and get more new patients in the door, a good marketing strategy should include the patients experience into consideration even before they contact the practice—and that doesn’t just mean having a great website.

Give Your Patients the Concierge Experience

New year, new you, as the saying goes. Everyone is making their New Year’s resolutions, vowing to eat better, exercise more, volunteer at shelter, and begin composting in the backyard. And while those are all great things on a personal level, they won’t do much to help your dental practice. So, let’s think about making some New Year’s Marketing Resolutions to start the year off with a bang and hopefully avoid some costly mistakes.

Start the New Year Right and Avoid a Marketing Disaster

Marketing agencies are everywhere, but not all are created equal when it comes to dental practices. If you want the best chance at success, your marketing agency shouldn’t just be a company that you do business with occasionally. It should be a strategic partner and an asset to your practice. That is why it’s important to find an agency you can really work with closely, one that shares your values, and one you can see yourself working with over the long term. Otherwise, you’re likely to end up spending hard-earned money to get little benefit. How can you know if you’ve chosen the right marketing agency for your practice? Look at three things: approach, philosophy, and the quality of new-patient leads.

Does Your Marketing Agency Stand Out in a Crowd?

What is the single most important resource for a dental practice? Most dentists would say time. There just never seems to be enough of it. When we talk to practices about investing in a marketing campaign, invariably one of the first questions is, “How much extra time will it take me or my team each day?” And our response is, none. We’ve got it all worked out.

We’ll Do All the Heavy Lifting